

篇名 新社会背景下教育与经济生活之关系 — 再思符应原则
並列篇名 The Relationship between Education and Economic Life in the New Context of Western Society:Rethinking “Correspondence Principle”
作者 罗云 、曾荣光 、卢乃桂
中文摘要 教育与经济生活之关系是教育社会学研究的基本主题,鲍尔斯与金薪斯提出的”符应原则”是在该主题上的一个重要表述。本文以此为理论起点,探讨了20世纪80年代以来西方资本主义国家在新社会背景下教育与经济生活的关系。研究表明:相对于”符应原则”,新社会背景下,教育与经济生活之间的符应关系愈趋紧密,并呈现诸多新特征。在此结论之下,本文进一歩透析教育社会学在这样的大背景下所遭遇的新问题。
英文摘要 A major theme in the field of Sociology of Education is the relationship between education and economic life. A useful theory model to address the relationship is “Correspondence Principle” (Bowles and Gintis, 1976). The aim of the paper is, by adopting the model, to investigate new trends in the development of the relationship in western countries starting from the 1980s. Research findings show that education and economic life have been more closely linked in this new social context and the consolidation of the relationship economic life have been more closely linked in this new social context and the consolidation of the relationship also provides some new lens to analyze new problems confronting the field of Sociology of Education.
頁次 87-94
關鍵詞 教育与经济 教育社会学 教育准市场 符应原则 education and economy sociology of education educational quasi—market Correspondence Principle CSSCI
卷期 3:4
日期 200510
刊名 北京大學教育評論
出版單位 北京大學