

篇名 论中国政府与教育中介组的互动关系:一个法学的视角
並列篇名 On the Interaction between Chinese Government and Intermediate Educational Agency:from a Language Perspective
作者 周光礼
中文摘要 教育中介组织是指通过教育审议、咨询、评价和鉴定等手段参与政府与学校教育管理过程的非政府公益组织。教育中介组织具有非政府性、非营利性、公权性和中介性的特点。西方的教育中介组织主要有半官方型、民间组织型和学术组织型三种类型。教育中介组织是世界各国社会参与教育管理的主要形式,它们是政府与学校之间沟通的桥梁。我国教育中介组织的主要功能是缓冲教育行政部门与学校之间的紧张。我国政府与教育中介组织应建构良性互动关系—政府对教育中介组织进行培育与管理,教育中介组织对政府实施监督与制约,教育中介组织与学校之间也应该构建一种良性互动关系。
英文摘要 An intermediate educational agency is a NGO, which participates in the educational management of the government and the school through education deliberation, consultancy, assessment and appraisal. It can be characterized as non—governmental, non—profit, with public power and intermediary. There are three types of intermediate education agencies in Western countries:semi—government, nongovernmental and academic. An intermediate education agency is a main channel for people to participate in education management. It is also the bridge between the government and the school. However, the function of the current intermediate education agency in China is mainly to eliminate conflicts between different education administrative departments. China should establish a healthier interaction between the government and the agency, with the former fosters and manages the latter, and the latter—supervises and restricts the power of the former.
頁次 140-154
關鍵詞 教育中介组织 法律地位 政府 学校 CSSCI
卷期 4:3
日期 200607
刊名 北京大學教育評論
出版單位 北京大學