

篇名 中国民办高等教育的生成机制和区域发展模式
並列篇名 Mechanism of Regional Expansion and Growth Patterns of Private Higher Education in China
作者 鲍威
中文摘要 20世纪末到本世纪初,私立高等教育成为各国高等教育阶段中一个急速成长的部门,中国也不例外。随着高等教育规模的不断扩大,民办部门与公办部门一起,成为实现中国高等教育机会供给量增加的主要途径。本文从实证角度出发,探讨了中国民办高等教育的生成机制及其区域成长模式。研究结果发现:与公办部门相比,民办部门作为在市场机制中产生的高等教育机构,体现了其灵活性和对社会经济需求针对性;民办高等教育的发展呈现区域多元化的态势。在经济发展地区(例如浙江省)出现了“市场资源依托型“模式,在公办高等教育资源丰富的地区(例如湖北省)出现了“教育资源依托型”模式,而在经济和公办高等教育都相对落后的地区(例如陕西省)出现了由政府发挥市场替代作用的”政策推动型”模式。
英文摘要 Private higher education is perhaps the fastest—growing segment of the postsecondary education worldwide at the turn of the 21 century. Even in recent China, with the expansion and differentiation of higher education, private higher education has become a main force of enhancing the supply of higher education with the public higher education. The purpose of this paper is to explore the features of the regional distribution of the private educational sector and the mechanism of production of the private educational sector in China. The major findings are summarized as follows:(1)the mechanism of private higher education is remarked by state—initiated, while the mechanism of public higher education vary according to regions. In the economically developed regions(2)It is found that the growth patterns of private higher education vary according to regions. In the economically developed regions(e.g. Zhejiang Province), the rapid expansion of private higher education is related to the economic success in that region. This growth pattern can be identified as “market resources dependent”. In regions where public higher education is relatively well—developed (e.g. Hubei Province), the rate of expansion of the private educational sector is connected with the existing resources of public higher education. This growth pattern can be recognized as “public education resources dependent”. There are also regions where both public higher education and economic conditions are underdeveloped(e.g. Shanxi Province). The local governments in those areas play an important role by replacing the market in the expansion of the private sector. This growth pattern can be specified as “policy—initiated”.
頁次 149-159
關鍵詞 生成机制 区域发展模式 民办高等教育 CSSCI
卷期 4:4
日期 200610
刊名 北京大學教育評論
出版單位 北京大學