

篇名 我是谁?─作为教学论学习者的困境与反思
並列篇名 Who am I:My Reflection on My Learning Experience on Curriculum and Instruction
作者 赵宁宁
中文摘要 面对教学论学科理论与实践的困境,作者试图”教学论学科应该如何发展”的问题转换为”个体应该如何履行使命”的问题,继而将个体学习生命所面临的无力感放到教学论学科发展的社会环境中加以考察。通过反思,作者发现构成困境的主要原因是我国师范专业教育制度带来的研究者能力的局限;随着新的专业领域群体的形成,新的研究视角开始介入教学论研究。面临目前的专业学科的分离,作者自知自己的学科专业的局限性,希望以自己为桥梁,和前辈们一起营造教学研究的学科大共同体。
英文摘要 Troubled in the dilemma of instructional theory and practice, I try to change the question “How should the discipline develop?” into “How should I carry out my mission?” I put my learning experience into the social context. In retrospect to my experience, I find the limitation of normal education. As a student graduated from education departme3nt in a normal university I suffer from the separation between instructional theory and practice. The normal school system cultivates the group who major in education and conduct the normative research. With the development of new disciplines and disciplinary patterns in China, they began to provide new perspectives to instruction research. Realizing my weakness, I wish to build up and be involved in a academic community to overcome the weaknesses.
頁次 91-108
關鍵詞 教学论 学科 专业领域 共同体 CSSCI
卷期 5:1
日期 200701
刊名 北京大學教育評論
出版單位 北京大學