

篇名 不拘一格选人才─从复旦、交大的招生改革谈我国高考制度改革的趋向
並列篇名 Selecting Students without Sticking to a Particular Model─An Approach of University Entrance Examination System from Recruitment Reforms Conducted by Fudan University and Shanghai Jiaotong University
作者 唐安国 、李小波
中文摘要 日前复旦、交大的招生改革是上海市乃至我国高考制度改革的一次有益尝试,反映了我国高考制度改革的根本趋向,即打破僵化的统一高考制度,不拘一格选择人才。我国高考制度改革包括招生考试方式从统一到多元,高校依据自身需求采用适当的考试方式选择合适的人才,扩大高校的招生自主权,最终建立具有多元、适切和自主性的高校招生考试制度。
英文摘要 The recruitment reforms conducted by Fudan University and Shanghai Jiaotong University is a useful experiment for reforming higher education entrance examination system in Sanghai and China. These unified education entrance examination system and to select students without sticking to a particular model. In sum, the recruitment reforms include diversifying the ways of entrance examination, enlarging the university autonomies to recruitment reforms include diversifying the ways of entrance examination, enlarging the university autonomies to recruit appropriate students using appropriate screening measures according to their needs. All these reforms are to serve the purpose to establish a university recruitment system of diversity, with more relevance and self-determination.
頁次 5-7
關鍵詞 多元化 适切性 高校招生自主权 CSSCI
卷期 4:3
日期 200605
刊名 復旦教育論壇
出版單位 復旦大學