

篇名 创新与合作:中日大学的新使命 ─ 中日大学校长论坛首届学术研讨会综述
並列篇名 Innovation and Cooperation:the New Mission of both Chinese and Japanese Universities
作者 李振声
中文摘要 在全球化时代,大学的合作创新使命尤显重要:创新,不仅意味着知识创新、技术创新,制度创新和思维创新,还意味着对文化传统精髓予以尊重和坚守;大学在顺应时代潮流的同时也需对之保持必要的批判性审视,从而对人类整体性和谐合理的生存方式作出真正有价直的探索;中日两国的大学应该而且能够携手来共同推进这种创新与合作,为亚太地区乃至整个世界的繁荣、和平与稳定而有所作为。
英文摘要 In the context of globalization, innovation and cooperation become more and more important for universities. Innovation does not merely mean the creation of new knowledge and technology, the reforms of system and activities, but implies a healthy respect for the flower of traditional culture. Universities hereby should adjust themselves to go with the tendency of the society, but meanwhile hold critical attitude, so as to explore an appreciable way to a sustainable human society rather than sustained economic growth. To achieve this mission , it is necessary to build a close cooperative relationship between Chinese and Japanese universities and contribute to creating a prosperous, peaceful and stabile Asia and world.
頁次 5-7
關鍵詞 创新 合作 中日 大学 使命 innovation cooperation Chinese ─ Japanese universities mission CSSCI
卷期 5:1
日期 200701
刊名 復旦教育論壇
出版單位 復旦大學