

篇名 Teaching Poetry to Senior High School Students– Using Robert Frost’s “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” as an Example
並列篇名 如何教高中學生英詩?─以佛洛斯特的「雪夜林畔駐足」為例
作者 廖本瑞(Liao, Pen-shui)
中文摘要 詩是世界最早的文學之一,歷史源遠而流長。然而,數百年來,隨著散文及小說的興起,詩逐漸變得愈來愈不流行。一般而言,由於詩較精簡、悅耳且富於聯想,頗適於英語文教學。本文旨在討論對高中生教授英詩的重要性及優點,並以佛洛斯特的「雪夜林畔駐足」為例,提出一些詩歌教學的策略。
英文摘要 The earliest literature in the world originates from poetry, so the history of poetry is almost as old as human beings. Over the past hundreds of years, however, we have found poetry gradually becoming less and less popular with the rise of prose and novels.
Because of its characteristics of being concise, melodious, and associative, poetry comes in handy in terms of English teaching. In this paper I argue for the necessity and advantages of teaching English poetry to senior high school students and provide some suggested activities in teaching a poem, using Robert Frost’s “Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening” as an example.
To all intents and purposes, there is no hard-and-fast rule with which to teach a poem. In my opinion, in teaching this poem a teacher should first of all set down his/her teaching objectives such as the following:
1. Encourage students to read this poem open-mindedly.
2. Help students understand the basic units and structure of this poem.
3. Establish methods for paraphrasing and annotating this poem.
4. Have them distinguish between literal and figurative languages.
5. Enable them to decipher the speaker (or narrator) of the poem, and his/her role.
6. Ask them to recognize the situation in the poem.
7. Assist them in formulating the theme of this poem.
8. Urge students to learn this poem by heart.
頁次 161-184
關鍵詞 Robert Frost read out loud paraphrase figurative language the speaker (narrator) theme memorization 佛洛斯特 朗讀 意譯 象徵語言 敘述者
卷期 1
日期 200607
刊名 SPECTRUM : NCUE Studies in Language, Literature, Translation
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學