

篇名 英國和諧社會建設中公民的權利與責任及其對教育政策的影響
並列篇名 Civic Rights and Responsibilities in the Construction of Harmonious Society and Their Implications for Educational Policies in the U.K.
作者 王路
中文摘要 建立公平、公正、和谐的社会是历届英国政府所追求的目标,但是福利国家造成了公共开支的负担,形成了依赖文化心理,而新自由主义在自由平等条件下的个人自救使个人价值超越了个体赖以生存的社会价值观与规范,从而造成了新的不平等和社会结构的不稳定。英国新工党试图以积极的福利社会、社群主义和社会资本理论为指导,平衡公民的权利与对社会发展责任之间的关系,促进和谐社会的发展。
英文摘要 Every British government under the different party seeks to promote the development of an equal, just and harmonious society. However welfare state has caused heavy burden on public expenditure and the forming of a relying culture. Neo- liberalism advocated self- rescue under the free and equal conditions. This also caused new problems of social injustice and the shaking of stable social structure. Guided by active welfare state, communitarianism and social capital theories, the New Labor government intends to balance the relationship between civic rights and the obligation to the society in order to promote the development of harmonious society.
頁次 1-5
關鍵詞 citizenship education community citizen rights 公民教育 社區 權利 公民 英國 CSSCI
卷期 30:3
日期 200803
刊名 比較教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學/研究所