

篇名 以职为志,转识为智,由技入道    ─ 职业教育与职业人格、职业精神培养
並列篇名 From Vocation to Profession, Knowledge to Wisdom and Skills to Tao:Vocational Education and Professionalism Cultivation
作者 章仁彪
中文摘要 职业教育不等于职业培训,教育的本质是人的素质提升,职业教育要以塑造职业人格和培养职业精神为宗旨。要视职业为志业,敬业如神、尽职尽责,同时不忘教育本质,要以转识为智、化性为德为鹄的,通过化技为艺、由技进道以达”庖丁解牛”般的出神入化境界,从而职业教育也能回归”学而时习之,不亦乐乎?”的”快乐教育”的教育哲学。
英文摘要 Vocational education is different from vocational training. The nature of education lies in the improvement of personal qualities. Vocational education aims at cultivating professionalism in people, for it regards a vocation as a profession. Meanwhile, decided by the nature of education of turning knowledge to wisdom and human nature to morality, vocational educational intends to reach a fascinating state of education by transferring skills to art and art to Tao. Tin this sense, vocational education responds to an educational philosophy of Happy Learning which was advanced by Confucius two thousand years ago in China:”It is not pleasant to learn with a constant perseverance and application?”
頁次 38-40
關鍵詞 职业教育 人格 智慧 教育哲学 Vocation education personality wisdom education philosophy CSSCI
卷期 1:6
日期 200311
刊名 復旦教育論壇
出版單位 復旦大學