

篇名 中国研究生最缺乏什么?─兼与杨允菲教授商榷
並列篇名 What Are the Chinese Postgraduates Most Wanted?
作者 张正江
中文摘要 研究生最重要的是具有逻辑思维能力和创造思维能力。我国研究生最缺乏的不是知识量,而是创造力。这主要是由于教育非但没有培养,反而在一直强力压制、摧残学生天生具有的创造性,在于教育和整个社会存在一套精英淘汰机制和择劣机制。过多的知识量和灌输、死记硬背的教学方式是直接压抑学生创造性质量发展的内在因素。需要正确对待知识量和掌握知识的方式与创造力之间的关系。
英文摘要 The most important qualities that postgraduate ought to have are logical thinking and creative power. However, those are Chinese postgraduates most wanted. Our education seems to fail in fostering students’ creativity. And moreover, it suppresses and destroys student’s inherent creativity. Our education and society have a mechanism, which tends to screen out the man of genius and accept those mediocrities. The cramming pedagogy and mechanical memorizing are the inner causes. Therefore, we should treat prudently the relationship between knowledge-cramming and creativity.
頁次 56-58
關鍵詞 中国研究生 创造力 知识 CSSCI
卷期 4:4
日期 200607
刊名 復旦教育論壇
出版單位 復旦大學