

篇名 青少年「反学校文化」:问题、意义与对策
並列篇名 Counter-school Culture: Problems, Significance and Relevant Strategies
作者 周晓燕
中文摘要 青少年「反学校文化」现象在我们国家初显端倪,并具有相异于西方国家的问题表征以及筬机制。作为一种学生亚文化,「反学校文化」既有其消极影响,同时也是一种潜在的改进力量。帮助学生形成正确的自我认同、反思性的文化建构以及良好的文化判断力,既是引导学生文化合理建构的重要策略,也是现代学校文化建设的方向之一。
英文摘要 Counter-school culture has emerged amnong adolescent students in our country, which forms differently and has different problems as it does in west countries. As a kind of sub-culture, it does not just have negative influences; it’s also a kind of potential power of improvement. To help our students form right self-identification, the reflective culture construction, and good sense of culture judgment, is not only an important strategy to guide a rational construction of student culture, but also is one of the orientations which the modern school culture is built towards.
頁次 60-64
關鍵詞 教育环境 青少年学生 反学校文化 学生文化 Educational environment Adolescent students Counter-school culture Student culture CSSCI
卷期 2:2
日期 200604
刊名 教育學報
出版單位 北京師範大學