

篇名 新时期以来教师教育体制的变革
並列篇名 Reforms of Teacher Education System in the New Era
作者 靳玉乐
中文摘要 教师教育体制的变革涉及教师教育的指导思想、基本理论、培养模式、行政体制、学校内部管理模式、课程与教学制度等诸多因素。新时期以来,尽管我国的教师教育在这诸多方面取得了一定的进步,但仍然需要进一步改进和完善。它包括构建有中国特色的教师教育指导思想;研究和充实教师教育的基本理论;开创有中国特色的教师教育行政体制;构建灵活开放的教师教育培养模式;规范教师教育学校的内部管理模式;改进教师教育的课程与教学制度。
英文摘要 The reforms of teacher education system relate to many aspects, such as guiding ideology, basic theories, training mode, administrative system, running model of school itself, curriculum and teaching system and so on. In the new era, lots of achievements have been gained in those facets, but there is still much more to be done in developing Chinese-characterized guiding ideology, enriching basic theories, reforming administrative system, introducing flexible training mode, regulating the running mode of teacher education school and improving curriculum and teaching and etc.
頁次 13-15
關鍵詞 教师教育 教育体制 教育改革 CSSCI
卷期 6:3
日期 200805
刊名 復旦教育論壇
出版單位 復旦大學