

篇名 EFL Learners’Use of Lexical Inferencing Strategies
並列篇名 英語學習者之詞彙推論策略使用
作者 蘇慧瑩(Su, Hui-ying) 、黃聖慧(Huang, Sheng-hui Cindy)
中文摘要 很多臺灣的研究探討英語學習者的閱讀理解能力和他們字彙習得之間的關係。然而,卻很少文獻研究學生如何應用詞彙推論策略與認識文章新單字的關係。本研究主要在於探索具有較高英語能力以及具有較低英語能力學習者在閱讀上下文時遇到了未知的單字時所使用的詞彙推論策略。從學習者自我反省並說出內心想法的過程中所獲得的資料結果分析及檢視學習者所使用的詞彙推論策略。研究發現這兩組學生在了解文章中新的字彙時會有系統地使用不同的詞彙推論策略。此結果顯示教導英語學習者詞彙推論策略來提升他們的閱讀程度是有必要的。
英文摘要 In Taiwan, many studies have paid attention to searching the relation between EFL learners’ reading comprehension and vocabulary acquisition. However, few researchers have conducted studies to investigate the ways students apply lexical inferencing strategies to know the new words in a reading context. This study aimed at exploring the lexical inferencing strategies used by EFL learners with high and low proficiency levels when they encountered unknown words in a reading context. The results derived from the introspective think-aloud protocols were analyzed and examined for observable lexical inferencing strategies. It was found that the two groups of students systematically used different lexical inferencing strategies in knowing the meanings of new words in a reading text. The results imply that it is necessary to teach lexical inferencing strategy to EFL learners to enhance their reading and lexical abilities.
頁次 155-167
關鍵詞 lexical inferencing strategy EFL learners 詞彙推論策略 英語學習者
卷期 2
日期 200801
刊名 SPECTRUM : NCUE Studies in Language, Literature, Translation
出版單位 國立彰化師範大學