

篇名 創造力與教育體系
並列篇名 Creativity and the Educational System
作者 David P. Ericson
中文摘要 本文旨在探討創造力是否可作為國家教育體系中的一項目標之問題。儘管德國哲學家尼采(F. Nietzsche)否定這樣的可能性,但美國哲學家杜威(J. Dewey)卻相信為了促進青年人的創造力發展,可以透過重建學校與教育體系以達此目的。本文作者主張教育體系中,以效率與有效的功能運作為主的結構性特徵,確實成為促進學生創造力發展的一大阻礙。雖然少數學校的確以發展創造力作為教育目的,但是正因深植於這樣的教育體系中,因而致使其愈難達成該項教育目的。
英文摘要 In this paper, I explore the question of whether creativity can be an aim of national educational systems. While the German philosopher Friedrich Nietzsche famously argued against this possibility, the American philosopher John Dewey believed that schools and educational systems could be restructured to foster the development of creativity of the young. Here I argue that certain structural features central to the efficient and effective functioning of educational systems strongly inhibit the fostering of creative persons. Though individual schools may indeed aim at creativity, the more that they are embedded within the surrounding educational system makes them less likely to achieve that aim.
頁次 1-16
關鍵詞 創造力 國家教育體系 教育目的 creativity national educational systems aims of education
卷期 9:2
日期 201012
刊名 中正教育研究
出版單位 國立中正大學教育學院