

篇名 中学生学习动机问卷的初步编制
並列篇名 The Preliminary Construction of Learning Motivation Questionnaire Among Middle School Students
作者 刘志军 、白学军 、李炳煌
中文摘要 中学生学习动机问卷的编制遵循标准化的程序,采用探索性因素分析和验证性因素分析方法,问卷的内在一致性信度系数和重测信度系数达到0.7,学习动机的结构拟合良好,因素载荷在0.4-0.9之间,效标效度基本符合测量学的要求,中学生学习动机问卷是一个信、效度良好,具有五因素结构的测量工具。
英文摘要 The construction of learning motivation questionnaire of middle school students was made by standardized procedure, it was analyzed through exploratory factor analysis and confirmatory factor analysis, Cronbach’s alpha and re-test reliability of the questionnaire were over 0.7, the fitness of construct model of learning motivation was good, loading of factors were among 0.4-0.9, criterion-related validity arrived at the criterion of measurement, the questionnaire of middle school students’ learning motivation including five factors has good reliability and validity.
頁次 56-61
關鍵詞 中学生 学习动机 信度 效度 Middle School Student Learning Motivation Reliability Validity
卷期 7:6
日期 201006
刊名 基礎教育
出版單位 華東師範大學