

篇名 职前教师教育中视频案例教学的研究
並列篇名 Research on Video Case Teaching in Pre─service Teacher Education
作者 王旭卿
中文摘要 在职前教师教育中采用视频案例教学是发展师范生教学技能和提高教师专业能力的一个新方法。本文在梳理教师教育中视频案例教学重要概念的基础上,考察了国内外教师教育中视频案例教学研究的现状,最后作者提出了应用于职前教师教育中的视频案例学习环境创设框架,它包括有机联系的六个要素:案例与资源、活动、工具、支架、共同体和评价。
英文摘要 Using video case teaching in pre─service teacher education is a new method of developing student teachers’ teaching skills and improving their professional competence. Based on describing several important concepts about video case teaching in teacher education, the author inspects the status of the current research in teacher education at home and abroad. In the end, the author puts forward the designing frame of video vase learning environment which is applied in pre─service teacher education. It contains six relevant elements:case╱resources, activities, tools, scaffolds, communities and evaluation.
頁次 34-37
關鍵詞 职前教师教育 video case teaching video case pre─service teacher education 视频案例教学 视频案例 CSSCI
卷期 20:6
日期 200811
刊名 教師教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學、華東師範大學、高等學校師資培訓交流北京中心