

篇名 关于教育决策的思考
並列篇名 Some Thoughts on Educational Decision─making
作者 王晓辉
中文摘要 不仅由于教育决策的特点所致,也由于教育决策背景的转变,教育决策的科学性应当不断提高,教育决策的机制也应时俱进。教育决策过程与教育研究过程应当适当分开,政府教行政部门的决策与研究者的参与应当在新的形式中互动起来。
英文摘要 The characteristics and the new context of educational decision─making call for more and more scientific educational decision─making. And the mechanism of educational decision─making need to keep pace with the change in the society. The process of educational decision─making should be separated from the process of education research;the decision of educational administrative departments and participation of researchers should interact with each other in a new way.
頁次 78-83
關鍵詞 教育决策 process of decision mechanism of decision educational politics educational decision-making 决策过程 决策机制 教育政治 CSSCI
卷期 1:4
日期 200310
刊名 北京大學教育評論
出版單位 北京大學