

篇名 高等教育财政政策对入学机会和资源分配公平的促进
並列篇名 The Role of Higher Education Financing Policy in Providing Equal Enrollment Opportunity and Resource Distribution
作者 李文利
中文摘要 [中文摘要]
本研究使用2004年大学生经济情况问卷调查数据发现,在重点高校中,来自较高收入群体的学生比例占据了明显的优势。入学机会的差距主要源自长期因素带来的学习能力上的差异。与重点高校相比,“高收费 +低资助“的状况在一般院校中表现突出。这造成低收入家庭承受了较重的高等教育个人支出负担;学费对入学机会的负面影响四大于学生资助的正面促进作用。要达到促进入学机会和资源分配公平性的目标,应尽快改变一般院校中“高收费+低资助“的财政现状,普遍推行“高收费+高资助“的财政政策。
英文摘要 Based on an empirical analysis using the 2004 College Students Economic Status Survey, this paper finds that at high—prestigious universities, the students from higher—income family groups account for predominant percentage among all students. The disparity in higher education opportunities mainly results from the differences in learning ability due to long—term factors. Compared with high—prestigious universities that charge lower tuition and provide more grant, “higher—tuition + lower—grant” is a reality particularly found in many medium—level higher education institutions. This has led to the situation that the lower—income families undertake higher private spending for higher education;and the negative effect of tuition on enrollment opportunity is grater than the positive function of students financial assistance. In order to realize the objectives of promoting equal enrollment opportunity and resource distribution, the financial status of “higher—tuition +    lower—grant” among middle—level universities should be changed in a prompt manner to adopt the new financial policy of “higher—tuition + higher—grant” on a larger scale.
頁次 34-46
關鍵詞 高等教育财政 入学机会 资源分配 公平性 CSSCI
卷期 4:2
日期 200604
刊名 北京大學教育評論
出版單位 北京大學