

篇名 麦克玛斯特大学”问题学习法”
並列篇名 Problem ─ Based Learning at McMaster University:Curriculum Planning
作者 李泽生 、冼利青
中文摘要 本文从麦克玛斯特大学”问题学习法”(problem─based learning)实施过程的各个方面:教育目标、教学安排、教学活动、教学评价、教学资源等方面介绍了PBL的教学过程,总结了麦克玛斯特大学PBL课程设置以学生为本,培养学生的学习态度和终身学习的能力以及在教学过程中倡导以生物─心理─社会医学模式培养适合社会发展需要的医生的经验。
英文摘要 The se of problem─based learning(PBL)in medical education has been practiced at McMaster University for more than 30 years. Over 150 medical schools around the world have now adopted this approach and the number is still increasing. For those schools that are still using the traditional approach in medical education, one of the difficulties in changing into a PBL approach does not know how to do the curriculum planning. In this article, we will use the planning activities in one of the Units in the McMaster University Medical School curriculum as an example to illustrate how this is done.
頁次 85-88
關鍵詞 问题学习法 教育目标 教学资源 评价 problem─based learning objective evaluation CSSCI
卷期 1:3
日期 200305
刊名 復旦教育論壇
出版單位 復旦大學