

篇名 关于高等教育成本的分担与中国国情
並列篇名 About Sharing Cost of Higher Education and China’s Conditions
作者 王尧基
中文摘要 高等教育的准公共产品属性决定了其成本应由政府与个人共同分担,但现阶段在我国于政府对高等教育投入的严重不足导致受教育者学费增长过快,而国内居民收入增长过程中的严重不均衡又使得一些中低收入家庭难以承受逐渐向教育产业化标准靠扰的学费。因此,我国高等教育成本的分担要从国情出发,改变过分依赖学费的倾向,建立起以政府为主体的多元分担机制。
英文摘要 The cost of higher education should be shared by government and students’ families, because higher education is a kind of quasi-public goods. But in China there is a serious lack of funds invested by government in higher education, which leads to overgrown tuition, so that some students’ families cannot afford it. Therefore, the situation, that the cost of higher education relies on tuition too much, should be changed and the multi-mechanism, in which the government will play principal role, tends to be built to share the cost of Chinese higher education according to China’s conditions.
頁次 29-32
關鍵詞 高等教育 成本 分担 中国国情 机制 Higher education cost sharing China’s conditions mechanism CSSCI
卷期 2:2
日期 200403
刊名 復旦教育論壇
出版單位 復旦大學