

篇名 臺灣成人教育學術研究典範觀點的分析與展望
並列篇名 The Paradigmatic Analysis and Tendency of Adult Education Research in Taiwan
作者 曹建文
中文摘要 成人教育學術研究已邁向逐漸形成系統知識時期,近來研究社群大量擴增,然此能否有助於成人教育專業化,則有待進一步深思與探討。本文首先就實證主義、後實證主義、批判理論、建構主義、參與等五大典範在本體論、認識論與方法論三大問題上的主張加以論述;其次,深入釐清社會科學研究典範之間的爭論與未來發展趨向,以作為成人教育學術社群從事研究之思維基礎;繼之,檢視、反思成人教育研究之現況與問題,同時提出社會科學研究典範的內涵與發展對成人教育研究的啟示;文末,則從持續加強成人教育基礎理論的研究,以強化學術地位;前瞻多元研究主題,擴展學術研究範疇;加強跨學科整合研究,提升研究品質;融合多元方法論與策略,厚植研究能力,加速邁向專業化等四個面向,提出臺灣成人教育學術研究未來之展望。The adult education research in Taiwan has come to a stage of gradually developing its systematic knowledge, with the number of research communities grows vigorously. However, whether this situation can help us to develop the basic knowledge about doing adult education research awaits further thought and investigation. This article first elaborates the five major research paradigms’ (positivism, postpositivism, critical theory, constructivism, and participatory) main claims on ontology, epistemology and methodology respectively. Secondly, exam and reflect the problems of adult education research. Third, discuss the effect of intension and development of the paradigm to adult education research. Last, we suggest that the future prospects of adult education research in Taiwan can be improved by continuously strengthening the research on basic theories, developing a variety of future research themes, and reinforcing the postgraduate students’ research ability.
英文摘要 The adult education research in Taiwan has come to a stage of gradually developing its systematic knowledge, with the number of research communities grows vigorously. However, whether this situation can help us to develop the basic knowledge about doing adult education research awaits further thought and investigation. This article first elaborates the five major research paradigms’ (positivism, postpositivism, critical theory, constructivism, and participatory) main claims on ontology, epistemology and methodology respectively. Secondly, exam and reflect the problems of adult education research. Third, discuss the effect of intension and development of the paradigm to adult education research. Last, we suggest that the future prospects of adult education research in Taiwan can be improved by continuously strengthening the research on basic theories, developing a variety of future research themes, and reinforcing the postgraduate students’ research ability.
頁次 47-75
關鍵詞 研究典範 成人教育 research paradigms adult education
卷期 10
日期 200806
刊名 成人及終身教育學刊
出版單位 中華民國成人教育學會等