

篇名 幸福:一種相似的“拱廊街计划”
並列篇名 Happiness: A Concept Similar to the
作者 马维娜
中文摘要 幸福问题,有一种“拱廊街计划”式的相似,好奇的眼睛与征服的野心总使人坚信可以寻觅到开启的密钥,而迷宫般的繁复与庞杂却使其往往无法真正解读幸福的精神暗码。文章试图借用“拱廊街计划“作为某种隐喻,寻求观测幸福问题的”另类眼睛“:其一,在现代性流动、新奇、碎片、偶然的呈现特质中,幸福问题可能发生怎样的变化?又是沿着什么样的理路发生变化?其二,生存并跃动于行动者关系中的幸福感会不会只是个人主观之事?它是如何在不同的语境下进行修正的?其三,福特主义的工资增加方式与幸福教育之间有着怎样的联结?作为文化实践的幸福教育需要怎样的”延迟“?
英文摘要 The issue of happiness,shares a similarity with the “Arcades Project”. While curiosity and ambition convince people of discovering the key to happiness, its complexity and miscellaneity prevents people from decoding its true meaning. Using the "Arcades Project" as a metaphor, this article attempts to do research on the issue of happiness from different angles of view: first of all, what will the issue of happiness be like in the modernity which has characteristics of fluxion, originality, fragment, and haphazard? What is the possible path of its development? Secondly, where the experience of happiness is purely subjective? How will it change under different situations? Last but not least, what is the relationship between the Fordism’s method of wage increase and the education of happiness? What kind of “delay” does the education of happiness need as a cultural practice?
頁次 3-8
關鍵詞 教育社会学 拱廊街计划 幸福 幸福感 幸福教育 Education sociology The Arcades Project Happiness Experience of happiness Education of happiness CSSCI
卷期 4:1
日期 200802
刊名 教育學報
出版單位 北京師範大學