

篇名 發揮國際非政府組織作用促進我國貧困地區教育公平
並列篇名 International Non-Governmental Organizations Play Roles in Promoting Equity of Education in Poor Areas
作者 劉朔 、陸根書
中文摘要 文章分析了一些国际非政府组织在我国教育领域的活动及其影响,如他们关注弱势群体、重视教师培训、强调能力建设,对促进教育公平、质量提高和可持续发展具有积极意义。同时,他们在援助中国教育的过程中也面临组织合法性、管理和监控、教育理念冲突等方面的问题。为此,本文提出如下建议:确立战略伙伴关系,调动其援助积极性;加强制度建设,强化管理力度;积极争取援助,促进教育公平;借凿先进经验,提升管理水平。
英文摘要 Active in the field of education in our country, some international non-governmental organizations have exerted positive influence on China’s education development as follows: Showing concern for disadvantaged groups and promoting equity of education; Attaching important to improving the quality of teachers’ training; emphasizing capacity building and enhancing sustain able development. At the same time, these organizations are also faced with many problems in the aid process, such as legitimacy, management and monitoring, educational concept conflict, etc. the author puts forward the following suggestions in this paper. Establish strategic partnership with international non-governmental organizations and arouse their enthusiasm for assistance; reinforce institutional construction and management; actively seek educational aid and promote equity of education; borrow overseas advanced experience and enhance our management.
頁次 056-060
關鍵詞 國際非政府組織 教育公平 International Non-Government Organizations Equity of education CSSCI
卷期 7:2
日期 200902
刊名 復旦教育論壇
出版單位 復旦大學