

篇名 論高校教學評估與大學自由精神
並列篇名 Higher Education Teaching Evaluation and the Free Spirit of the University
作者 高校教學評估理論與實踐課題組
中文摘要 学术自由是现代大学的核心价值理念,大学要提升自身独立性的品味,就必须守护自由精神。但大学的自由精神是有边界的,自由的实现是需要条件的。教育内在的规范秩序既为自由划定了边界,又是自由精神生长的土壤。高校开展教育评估,帮助大学建立教育内在的规范与秩序,有利于促进大学自由精神。为进一步发挥评估对大学自由精神的促进作用,高校教学评估工作必须进一步遵循教育规律,关注理想,放眼长远,在实践中不断完善自身。
英文摘要 Academic freedom is a core value of the modern university. University should safeguard its free spirit in order to enhance its freedom and autonomy. However, this paper argues that the free spirit of the university has its boundary, and the realization of academic freedom is only conditional. That is, the internal norm and order of education set the boundary of academic freedom, meanwhile nourish the development of free spirit. Higher education teaching evaluation helps the universities and colleges to establish internal norm and order of education and strengthen the free spirit of the institution. With this goal in mind, it is important to improve higher education teaching evaluation continuously through practice while following the law of education and focusing on institutional ideal with a forward looking mindset.
頁次 101-107
關鍵詞 standard responsibility academic freedom Higher education teaching evaluation 規範 責任 學術自由 高校教學評估 CSSCI
卷期 29:1
日期 200802
刊名 清華大學教育研究
出版單位 中國清華大學