

篇名 国际大都市开展终身学习方略的异同初探——以东京、纽约为例
並列篇名 Study on the Similarities and Differences in Promoting Lifelong Learning in International Metropolises: ——A Comparative Study between Tokyo and New York City
作者 张媛 、任翠英
中文摘要 在开展终身学习的过程中,各国城市虽采取了诸如政府支持、资源整合、学社合作等共同方法与策略,但国别不同所带来的教育发展及价值取向差异也不可避免地影响着终身学习的开展。本文通过东京、纽约两大国际都市在这一领域的异同比较,以期深化人们对终身学习理念的把握,并对我国大中城市推进终身学习提供参考与借鉴。
英文摘要 In the process of promoting life─long learning, both Tokyo and New York City have advocated the approaches or strategies of government aidingintegration of various education resources and cooperation of schools and the Whole society. However, their different education development and values originated from their own countries will affect the application of life─long learning. By analyzing on their similarities and differences, this paper can help people acquire a deeper understanding about lifelong learning and provide reference for its promotion in the large and medium sized cities in China.
頁次 109-112
關鍵詞 life─long learning New York City Tokyo 终身学习 纽约 东京 CSSCI
卷期 14:1
日期 200802
刊名 開放教育研究
出版單位 上海遠程教育集團、上海電視大學