

篇名 依附、借鉴、创新?—中国高等教育学科建设之路
並列篇名 Dependency, Reference, Innovation?— The Road to Constructing the Discipline of China’s Higher Education
作者 潘懋元; 、陈兴德
中文摘要 在全球化过程中,文明和谐与共同繁荣是文化交流与合作的主题。就此问题而言,”依附理论”为我们提供了一个反思的契机。本文分析了中国教育理论领域依附理论出现的原因,指出依附理论的基本概念、立场和研究方法值得商榷;高等教育研究套用依附理论的合理性值得质疑;将中国教育近代化笼统归结为”依附性发展”,忽视了百年来中国教育在引进与借鉴西方教育模式中的主体自主创新。作者认为,中国高等教育学科建设为我们提供了一个中国高等教育自主创新的典型案例,在全球化进程中应进一歩扩大高等教育对外合作与交流,积极吸收人类一切先进的文明成果,进一歩重视本民族文化传统,增强文化自觉意识。
英文摘要 During the process of globalization, harmony, civilization and co—prosperity is the topic of culture communication and cooperation. According to this question, Dependency Theory gives us an opportunity to reflect on our way of development. In this paper, the author analysis the cause why the Dependency theory spread in the area of Chinese educational research. Whereas, the author points out that the basic concept, standpoint and research method of Dependency Theory need to be discussed;the rationality of mechanically applying Dependency Theory to higher education research should be questioned. We cannot generalize China’s educational modernization as “dependent development”, or ignore the independent innovation of China’s education when introducing western educational model in the past hundred years. However, in general, the course of China’s educational modernization was one of continual learning and innovating, with strong national and indigenous characteristics. As to China’s higher education discipline, it was born and grew up in China and has always been characterized by a strong native flavor. The authors emphasize that we should further develop cooperation and communication with foreign countries, and absorb advanced civilization accomplishments of human society. In the new century, the two tendencies to “nihilism of nationality” and “selfish departmentalism of nationality” should be avoided in the building of China’s higher education discipline. The innovation of China’s higher education discipline will be achieved through inheriting, referencing and exceeding.
頁次 28-34
關鍵詞 依附 establishment of discipline higher education innovation reference dependency 学科建设 高等教育 创新 借鉴 CSSCI
卷期 3:1
日期 200501
刊名 北京大學教育評論
出版單位 北京大學