

篇名 国际视野下的中国职业技术教育
並列篇名 An International View of Chinese Vocational Education
作者 周谊
中文摘要 本文从国际视野角度,指出了中国职业教育最严重的问题:入学率低下─全国低于1╱5,西南少数民族地区低于5%;经费严重不足,几乎只有人头费;教师学历低、数量低、专业教师奇缺。本文指出,必须立法使职业教育成为义务教育,大量增加拨款以适应职业义务教育的需要,努力提高在职教师的素质和补充大量的新教师。
英文摘要 This paper points out that three major problems exist in the vocational education in China. First, the enrollment rate is even lower than 20 percent in the whole country and lower than 5 percent in the southwest minority areas. Second it is severely constrained in finance, only having personnel expenses;The third one is about the teaches in vocational school:low qualification, small number, and not enough professional teachers. The author points out that it must formulate legislation and make vocational education compulsory in order to increase the enrollment, appropriate funds and the number of teacher.
頁次 64-69
關鍵詞 职业技术教育 中国 国际视野 reform of vocational education China international view CSSCI
卷期 26:9
日期 200509
刊名 比較教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學/研究所