

篇名 论教学现实的社会建构
並列篇名 On the Social Construction of Teaching—Learning Reality
作者 郭华
中文摘要 对师生而言理所当然的数学现实,其实正是由师生在共同的教学活动中主动建构的,是师生对教学活动的知识表达。教学现实的建构既是在教学活动中进行的又是师生参与教学活动的前提。教学现实可以从两个方面去分析,即客观的教学现实和主观的教学现实。客观的教学现实,首先表现为社会对教学的外部强制,而经由制度化、系统化和合法化过程,建构的特征被掩盖起来,突出展示出它的客观的、理所当然的、不证自明的特征。主观的教学现实则集中体现为主体的主动建构,是特定个体或群体的教学现实。
英文摘要 From the perspective of teachers and students, teaching—learning reality is constructed actively by them in their common teaching—learning activities and is their expression of knowledge about teaching and learning. The construction of teaching—learning reality if both the process of teaching—learning and the precondition that teachers and students participate in teaching—learning activities. The teaching—learning reality can be analyzed from both objective and subjective perspective. As the society’s outside obligation on the teaching—learning, constructive features of objective teaching—learning reality are hidden, instead, its objective, unalterable and self—evident characteristics are exhibited distinctly. The subjective teaching—learning reality concentrates and embodies the teachers’ and students’ active construction as the given individual’s or group’s teaching—learning reality.
頁次 83-91
關鍵詞 教学现实 社会建构 客观性 制度化 合法化 CSSCI
卷期 5:4
日期 200710
刊名 北京大學教育評論
出版單位 北京大學