

篇名 学习化社会的挑战与趋势──来自发达国家的经验
並列篇名 Learning Society: Challenges and Trends Experiences from Developed Countries
作者 马健生 、滕珺
中文摘要 学习化社会的含义仍然处于争论之中,但是全世界至少是发达国家已经置身于这样的发展状态。目前,发达国家的学习化社会面临着竞争和技术革新、大量廉价劳动力的缺乏、老年人学习的需要、休闲时代和消费文化的冲击、风险社会的形成以及市场的挑战。面对这些挑战,方视为新生的机遇,在学习化社会发展过程中表现出很有特色的教育发展趋势:全面整合国家教育系统和资源,在企业中培训职业适应性,推广员工发展计划,重新理解和阐释大学理念,提供灵活性学习指导以及运用信息技术实施开放性学习,等等。
英文摘要 Although a great controversy over the definition of “learning society” still exists, some countries at least the developed countries have devoted themselves into the development of learning society. Currently various challenges from all aspects come to the surface, which include the competition and technology innovation, shortage of cheap labor, learning needs of old people, influence of leisure age and customer culture, and the forming of risk society as well as the challenge from the market. Facing all these challenges, western countries consider them as opportunities and create a characteristic trend of educational development. They integrate the educational system and resources roundly, train workers with career flexibility within enterprises, popularize employee development programs, reinterpret the concept of “university”, offer flexible learning guidance and implement open learning policy by using information technology etc.
頁次 68-76
關鍵詞 教育与社会 学习化社会 成人教育 终身教育 教育改革 Education and society Learning society Adult education Lifelong education Educational reform CSSCI
卷期 2:1
日期 200602
刊名 教育學報
出版單位 北京師範大學