

篇名 遊戲場設計與幼兒使用遊戲場意見之分析
並列篇名 Playground Design and Children's Opinions Toward Their Kindergarten Playgrounds
作者 簡美宜
中文摘要 本研究之主旨为探求幼儿对其幼儿园游戏场之意见,与其游戏场合适性状况之间的关系,以作为游戏场设计的依据。本研究商得两所游戏场合适性状况不同的幼儿园之参与,调查内容包含幼儿对各游戏据点的使用意见及改变愿望。资料搜集途径系以晤谈法逐一访问两园全部的四岁组幼儿,及由教师以其所认为之该园幼儿意见填答相似问题,计取得A园61份及B园73份之调查资料。本研究发现「游戏场合适性」所列述的各项特质可以完整地涵括所有幼儿的游戏场改变愿望。幼儿自陈意见与教师代言意见相较,更能呈现对各游戏据点的喜好分散现象与不同使用模式,而幼儿自陈的游戏场改变愿望较教师代言者,更能广泛地涉及各项合适性特质。本研究依据调查发现分别对幼儿游戏场设计及未来研究之进行提出建议。
英文摘要 There were three purposes accomplished via this study Firstly, to analyze the relationship between playground use opinions of children and appropriateness status of their playgrounds. Secondly, to examine whether the concept of "playground appropriateness" could integrate children's opinions and would be beneficial for analyzing these opinions. Thirdly, to compare outcomes between the data of "child self-report" and "teacher representation" in order to analyze the significance and feasibility of the data collection method of child self-report. Two kindergartens with different playground appropriateness status participated in this study, survey questions were edited according to the different status of individual kindergartens. Data collection was conducted by interviewing children aged four in each kindergarten one by one, and by teachers filled questionnaires about their conceived children's opinions. There were 61 subjects of kindergarten A, and 73 subjects of kindergarten B were surveyed in the total. Contents of survey questions included the degree of like of each play spot, the staying time length of each play spot, the favorite spot, the weather preference of the favorite spot, the play time arrangement of the favorite spot, and restructuring expectations of their playgrounds. Results of this study provided playground design principles for kindergartens' restructuring reference, and research suggestions for future studies.
頁次 111-144
關鍵詞 幼兒 opinion survey design playground children 意見調查 設計 遊戲場 TSSCI
卷期 46:1
日期 200104
刊名 教育科學研究期刊
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學