

篇名 国际竞争视角下中、印、美教育创新与人才培养
並列篇名 Education Innovation and the Education of Talents in China, India and America From a Perspective of International Competition
作者 周满生
中文摘要 中国和印度的崛起,在美国掀起了对中、印、美三国教育创新和人才培养的研究热潮。本文阐述了美国开展中、印、美教育创新和人才培养比较研究的背景,介绍了2007年3月在美国亚特兰大埃莫瑞大学名开的”印、中、美教育创新研讨会”的主要内容并对印度教育崛起的前景作了分析,特别指出中、美两国在教育理念、教育环境和人才培养模式上各有优劣,要相互学习借鉴。
英文摘要 In face of the rise of China and India, America is now having a wave of research on education innovation and the education of talents in China, India and America. The paper explains the context in which America is engaged in this comparative research introduces the discussions in the conference:Education for Innovation in India, China and America held in Emory University in Atlanta USA and analyzes the prospect of the rise of Indian education. It is specially emphasized that China and America each has its own strengths and weaknesses in educational ideology, educational environment and educational model for talents, there is, therefore, a need for both nations to learn from each other.
頁次 157-166
關鍵詞 教育创新 人才培养 印度教育 CSSCI
卷期 5:3
日期 200707
刊名 北京大學教育評論
出版單位 北京大學