

篇名 医学人文教育:瑞士日内瓦大学医学院的一门新本科生课程
並列篇名 The Medical Humanities: A New Undergraduate Teaching Program at the University of Geneva School of Medicine, Switzerland
作者 魏芬
中文摘要 瑞士日内瓦大学医学院意识到医学人文教育的重要性,在2001年开设了一门新的包括四个相互依存的目标的本科生人文教育课程。同时,为二到五年级学生开设了必修的研讨会和一门为期2周的选修实习课程,并提出帮助医学人文课程教师形成医学人文教育整合观的三个重要步骤。该课成利于增强学生的判断和倾听能力,使其心胸开阔、具有创造性和好奇心,保证医患关系的和谐并使医患双方都满意。
英文摘要 The University of Geneva School of Medicine, Switzerland, has realized the more and more important part of the medical humanities, and developed a new medicinal humanities program with four interdependent goals in 2001. also, four mandatory seminars and one optional 2-week internship are offered to second-fifth year medical students, three steps to help teachers to find an integrated vision. The author points out the program is helpful to strengthen students’ judgment, listening skills , open-mindedness, creativity and curiosity, and to ensure the therapeutic to be satisfying for both physicians and patients.
頁次 90-92
關鍵詞 医学人文学科 本科生课程 The medicinal humanities a new undergraduate teaching program CSSCI
卷期 2:5
日期 200409
刊名 復旦教育論壇
出版單位 復旦大學