

篇名 价值观的多元化与道德教育的多层次专兼结合 ─ 从中国改革和世界文化演变看大学生思想政治工作
並列篇名 The Diversity of Values and Multi─level of Moral Education ─ the Political Education of University Students in the perspective of China’s Reform and the World Culture Evolution
作者 于海
中文摘要 文章从学理上描述了大学生价值观的多元化与道德教育的多层次、多结构的发展轨迹。既肯定了雷锋精神对一代人价值观形成的作用,又不乏对当下价观中困局的沈思,提出了价值观的变化要随着中国改革和世界文化演变的历程而与时俱进的观点,肯定了大学生价值观多层次、多样化的潮流,并从哲学上揭示了大学生思想政治教育工作的深层次矛盾与规律,对人们进一步思考当代大学生问题有一定的启发和借鉴意义。
英文摘要 This paper theoretically describes the development of university students’ diversified values and the moral education in multi─levels and multi─structures, highly evaluates the function of Leifeng Spirit on shaping a generator’s value and meditates on the plight of current values. It puts forward that changes of values should keep pace with the reforms in China and the culture evolutions around the world, and the multi─level and diversification of undergraduates’ values should be developed. This paper reveals the philosophical contradictions as well as the rules in the university students’ moral education, which is of the great significance for the further study of current issues.
頁次 11-14
關鍵詞 大学生 价值观 多元化 多结构 University students values diversification multi─structure CSSCI
卷期 3:3
日期 200505
刊名 復旦教育論壇
出版單位 復旦大學