

篇名 中国高等教育30年改革历程回顾
並列篇名 A Review on Chinese Higher Education Reforms in Past 30 Years
作者 王洪才 、张静
中文摘要 公平是社会进步的基本标尺,我国30年来的高等教育改革也在沿着这个航标前进。随着高等教育改革的不断深化,人们对公平的理解也在不断加深,人们从对平均主义模式反思走向了对效率优先模式的质疑,目前人们更倾向于公平优先模式,这表明我国高等教育改革逐渐趋向于公平理念的本质。在新世纪,高等教育应着力解决好多样性高等教育体系面临的问题。
英文摘要 Equity is the basic scale of social development, and it is also the guide of Chinese higher education reforms in recent 30 years. With the improvement of the reform practice, the connotation of equity has been deepened greatly, from simply Average mode to Efficiency First mode, now to essence of equity. In all, the course of Chinese higher education reforms is a process of recurrence for equity’s essence. In new century, it is a very paramount task to make our higher education system more diversified.
頁次 18-22
關鍵詞 公平 中国高等教育 改革历程 回顾 Equity Chinese higher education Reform Review CSSCI
卷期 6:2
日期 200803
刊名 復旦教育論壇
出版單位 復旦大學