

篇名 学科知识和学科教学知识在课堂教学中的有机融合
並列篇名 The Organic Integration of Subject Matter Knowledge and Pedagogical Content Knowledge in Classroom Instruction
作者 徐章韬 、龚建荣
中文摘要 教师不仅要拥有深刻的学科知识而且还要拥有宽广的学科教学知识。有效的课堂教学是两者的有机融合。通过从学习者的视角剖析一堂数学课的教学,具体分析了学科知识和学科教学知识在课堂教学中是怎样有机融合的,在经验层面证实了上述观点。该课例是青浦经验新行动的产物。青浦经验从本质上说是学科知识和学科教学知识有机融合的产物,是指导有效教学的本土经验。学科知识和学科教学知识的有机融合是数学和教育在课堂教学中的诉求,也可更好地解读本土经验。
英文摘要 Teachers must have deep subject matter knowledge, at the same time they should have wide pedagogical content knowledge as well. The effective classroom instruction is the organic integration of the two kinds of knowledge. From the learner’s angle, the paper analyzes a case of classroom math instruction, explores how subject matter knowledge and pedagogical knowledge is integrated in classroom instruction so as to justify the view of point mentioned above at the empirical level. The case is the product of Qingpu’s new empirical activities. Qingpu experience is the organic integration of subject matter knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge in essence, which is a kind of local instruction experience that can guide the classroom instruction efficiently. The organic integration of subject matter knowledge and pedagogical content knowledge is the appeal of mathematics and education, which can better interpret local experience.
頁次 34-39
關鍵詞 学科知识 学科教学知识 学习者视角 数学理解 数学原理 青浦经验 Subject matter knowledge Pedagogical content knowledge The learner’s angle Mathematics comprehension Instruction principle Qingpu experience CSSCI
卷期 3:6
日期 200712
刊名 教育學報
出版單位 北京師範大學