

篇名 高等教育學費制度變遷研究
並列篇名 Changes in Higher Education Tuition Policy in China
作者 包海芹
中文摘要 高等教育学费度变迁的实质是制度创新的过程。学费制度变迁中出现的”乱收费”,以及政府强制统一划线等问题,与我国传统的高等教育管理体制下所形成的利益格局有关。在当前高等学校生均培养成本核算不清,标准不一致的情况下,要想进一步推进和完善学费制度改革,必须从改变学费制度面临的体制环境入手。
英文摘要 Changes in tuition policy is by nature a process of institutional innovation. The problem of “arbitrary charges” as well as that of government-regulated uniform tuition level are both resulted from the interest structure of traditional administration system of higher education in China. Under the current circumstance of ambiguous per student educational cost-accounting, and inconsistent standard intuition-pricing, in order to enhance and reform tuition policy, it is imperative to change the institutional environment in which tuition policy is formed and implemented.
頁次 70-76
關鍵詞 institutional change tuition Higher education 制度變遷 學費 高等教育 CSSCI
卷期 29:2
日期 200804
刊名 清華大學教育研究
出版單位 中國清華大學