

篇名 學會在和平與和諧中共同生活-亞太地區和諧價值觀教育計劃解讀
並列篇名 Learning to Live Together in Peace and Harmony: Interpreting the APNIEVE Values Education for Peace and Harmony in Asia and the Pacific Areas
作者 王強
中文摘要 人类要实现和平与和谐地共同生活,不仅需要创造日益丰富的物质财富,而且需要在人们的心灵中构建起和谐的价值观,即实现个体自我和谐、社会和谐以及自然和谐。人类只有通过有效的和谐价值观教育,具有消解不同价值观冲突的态度与能力,人类的福祉才能够得到保障。
英文摘要 If people are to live together in peace and harmony, it needs not only production of material wealth but also having awareness and values of peace and harmony in the minds of our humankind. The values of peace and harmony have three facets: harmony in oneself, in harmony with other people and in harmony with the nature. The well being of the mankind can only be well preserved when human being has acquired the attitudes and competences for resolving conflicts through effective values education strategies.
頁次 26-30
關鍵詞 conflicts in values values education harmony 價值觀衝突 價值觀教育 和諧價值觀 CSSCI
卷期 30:4
日期 200804
刊名 比較教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學/研究所