

篇名 計分方式對於信念與態度之關係的影響-兼考慮量表結構與加權方法之角色
並列篇名 The Influence of Scoring Systems on the Relationships Between Beliefs and Attitudes toward the Behavior - Under the Scale Constructs and Weighting Methods
作者 王國川
中文摘要 提升信念与态度之关系一直是社会心理学家关切的问题之一,然而因为计分方式的不同导致了不少方法论上的争议,但是真正的问题尚待未来加以解决。本研究就是在这种情况下产生的,主要的目的在于探讨计分方式对于信念与态度之关系的影响,但同时考虑量表结构与加权方法在其中所扮演的角色。本研究所分析的对象是取材于四项研究方法非常相近的研究资料,并经事前的规划产生总结资料,然后再经适当的资料转换,最后进行统计方法分析。结果发现计分方式是影响信念与态度之关系的最主要因素,其次是研究主题、量表结构,而加权方法则否。另外。在排除不同研究主题的差异之后,发现结果信念与结果评价采取单极X单极或单极X双极这两种计分法都比采取双极X双极记分法,信念与态度之关系来得高。在量表结构上,当结果信念暨评价与态度这两个量表都是多向度时,比结果信念暨评价或态度这两个量表为单向度时,信念与态度之关系来得高。再者,计分方式对于信念与态度之关系的影响会因研究主题的不同而有所差异,但不会因量表结构或加权方法不同而有所差异。总之,多向度的结果信念暨评价量表采取单极X单极或单极X双极计分,将可以提升信念与态度之预测效度,而且也可以解决过去若干理论上的争议。
英文摘要 It is one of the concerns for the social psychologists to improve the correlation between beliefs and attitudes; however, the scoring system exactly results in many methodological issues, which should be solved in the future. The major purpose of this study is to investigate the influence of scoring systems on the relationships between beliefs and attitudes toward the behavior, and simultaneously to consider the scale constructs and weighting methods. Four empirical data were served for the purpose of this study, and they were properly transformed into new data to be analyzed via the factorial analysis of variance. It was found that the scoring system was the most influential factor on the correlation between beliefs and attitudes, the types of study and the scale constructs were the next; however, the weighting method was not. After adjusting the influence of the type of study, it was found that the scoring procedure by using unipolar for beliefs and unipolar/bipolar for evaluations was significantly higher correlations between beliefs and attitudes than that by using bipolar for both beliefs and evaluations. The multi-dimensional construct for the scale of beliefs and evaluations was significantly higher correlation between beliefs and attitudes than the uni-dimensional construct. Again, the influence of scoring systems on the relationships between beliefs and attitudes was only determined by the type of study, but not by the scale constructs and weighting methods. In all, the multi-dimensional scale by using unipolar for beliefs and unipolar/bipolar for evaluations may not only improve the predictive validity between beliefs and attitudes, but can also solve several methodological issues.
頁次 1-17
關鍵詞 計分方式 Attitudes Beliefs Weighting Methods Scale constructs Scoring systems 態度 信念 加權方式 量表結構 TSSCI
卷期 44:1/2
日期 199910
刊名 教育科學研究期刊
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學