

篇名 幼教人看小一生的學校適應及親師之因應
並列篇名 Exploring First Graders’ School Adjustment & Parents-Teachers Reactions-The Perspectives of Early Childhood Educators
作者 劉慈惠 、丁雪茵
中文摘要 透過質性研究法,我們以幼教人的觀點探討小一生的學校適應、形塑因素與親師之因應。在本研究中,藍天學校文化較多反映以大人為中心的思惟;銜接中的學童因應環境中的各種要求,多半處在配合成人要求的地位。從開學就在聲聲催促中,被期待快快脫掉「幼稚園的舊衣」,穿上「小學的新衣」,鮮少看到由上向下銜接的觀念與策略。當環境中大人的焦點多在課業時,小一生在社會人際、情緒等面向所需的關切相對地被忽略了。學童的友伴關係、親師互動關係因個體特質的不同而有差異。藍天學校中親師角色分明,之間的互動以溝通孩子議題為主,而互動頻率的高低反映出孩子需關切之問題的多寡。小一家長之於孩子的學習以在家參與為主,到校的參與多為出席活動。
英文摘要 This one-year qualitative study explored the school experiences of first graders in Blue Sky School and the factors that shape their adjustment process. Interactions between parents and teachers were also investigated. The results of the study show that the culture and climate of Blue Sky School seem to be more adult-oriented. Children are mostly given passive roles. In that, they are expected to fit into the new learning patterns of their new environment within a short period of time. Learning strategies and expectations set by the school rarely reflect any consideration of the children’s current developmental stage. Yet for these children, many definitions and requirements regarding “learning” seem to be totally different in first grade from what they were in kindergarten. The attention of the adult teachers is mostly focused on academic learning, and thus children’s behavioral and social-emotional development are given least attention, due to the constraints on time and energy. The degree of friendship development and parentteacher interaction varies among children and families. The contacts between parents and teachers are based on needs; the frequency of contacts is often a function of a particular child’s evolving problem. The roles of parents and teachers are quite distinctive. Parental involvement mostly takes the form of assisting children with their homework at home, and showing up as an audience member at school activities. The results suggest that children’s school experience in first grade could vary from school to school as a function of contextual differences, since many factors combine to shape the process.
頁次 131-167
關鍵詞 幼小銜接 質性研究 親師互動 school transition qualitative study parent-teacher interaction TSSCI
卷期 53:2
日期 200808
刊名 教育科學研究期刊
出版單位 國立臺灣師範大學