

篇名 追求大学教育的本然价值─复旦大学通识教育的探索与实践
並列篇名 To Pursue Essential Values of University Education─Trials and Practices of General Education Conducted in Fudan University
作者 王生洪
中文摘要 通识教育是大学应对时代和社会变迁的一种反应。时代和社会在变,通识教育的理念也要随时而变、因地而变。人文精神缺失、创新动力不足、素质结构失调,是在当前大学教育面临的三个严峻挑战,以尊重和满足人的本质需要、促进人的全面发展为出发点的通识教育,正是大学维护教育本质和大学使命的一种努力。通识教育并没有固定的模式,每个大学都应该发挥自己的主动性。推行通识教育需要一个全面的策略,需要遵教育规律和自身的实际条件,精心设计教与学的关系及其调整办法。
英文摘要 General education conducted at universities reflects how the universities react to social changes of different times. Along with these changes, the ideologies and contents of general education should be adjusted accordingly. Currently, there widely existed a lack of humanistic spirits and creativities, unbalanced structure of various qualities in our university education. These problems have directly led toward a series of reforms in general education. General education does not have a fixed model. Universities should exercise identities and aggressiveness at a maximum to promote general education according to their own conditions. It is an allover strategy to improve general education and requires following educational rules and practical conditions of each university.
頁次 5-10
關鍵詞 通识教育 价值 模式 策略 CSSCI
卷期 4:5
日期 200609
刊名 復旦教育論壇
出版單位 復旦大學