

篇名 论后现代主义对教育研究和理论的主要贡献
並列篇名 On the Contributions of Post-modernism to Educational Researches and Theories
作者 郑淮 、杨昌勇
中文摘要 20世纪70年代后期,一些学者将后现代主义引入教育领域,为教育研究注入了新的活力,引发了检讨和批判现代教育理论的热潮。后现代主义为教育研究提供了新的视角和观点,对教育理论的发展作出了巨大的贡献。后现代主义批判教育的话语霸权和研究范式,同时倡导创新和多元的教育研究方法;解构教育理论的理性主义和主体性,弘扬人的非理性和主体间性;批判性地探讨了现代的教育目的、制度和课程体系等,强调教育的差异性和多变性。分析后现代主教育研究和教育理的影响,有利于我们厘清它们的发展路向。
英文摘要 During the late 1970s, some scholars introduced post-modernism into the realm of education, which infused new vitality into educational researches and led to an upsurge of reviewing and criticizing modern educational theories. Post-modernism brought new perspectives and standpoints for educational researches, and has made a tremendous contribution to the development of educational theories. Post-modernism criticizes the discourse hegemony and the paradigm of education researches, and meanwhile advocates innovative and diverse ways of educational researches; it deconstructs the rationalism and subjectivity of educational theories and enhances human irrationality and intersubjectivity; it probes critically into the aim, the institution and the curriculum system of modern education etc., and emphasizes the differences and diversity of education. Analyzing how postmodernism influences educational researches and theories can help us clarify the tendencies and directions afterwards.
頁次 22-25
關鍵詞 教育研究 后现代主义 教育理论 Educational research Post-modernism Educational theory CSSCI
卷期 2:4
日期 200608
刊名 教育學報
出版單位 北京師範大學