

篇名 教改性质的历史分析:逡逡巡巡步向理想
並列篇名 The Historical Analysis of the Nature of Education Reform: Tinkering toward Educational Ideal
作者 单文经
中文摘要 单单是从我个人二十年的教育研究经历,就已经看到不少的「改革精英」──不论是教育行政主管、抑或是教育学者专家、或是一些关心教育问题的民意代表或意见领袖──在提出教育改革的主张时,可能有意或无意地忽略了教育改革的历史殷鉴,因而存在着不少学者所批评的:教育改革的言说或行动充满了「忽略历史」(ahistorical)的缺憾。我认为研究教育改革的历史,可以使我们与现在保持一段心理距离,让我们能够大大方方地评估过去改革的经验,并且从中获取宝贵的教训。从本文章的分析之中,似可理解教育改革乃是逡巡慢步朝向教育的理想逐步前进,而无法欲求急促见效或快速直达也。
英文摘要 As an educational researcher for some thirty years, I have seen many elites in education reform, including education administrators, education professionals and representatives of the public concerning educational issues, launching policy talks without referring to the historical teachings about the past experience, This really has made quite a lot of scholars’ criticism of the ahistorical character of the education reform. In my opinion, studying the history of education reform can make us keep a mental distance with what happens now, thus we can evaluate past experience of reform liberally and get some precious lesson from it. This paper tries to analyze the nature of education reform from the historical stand. It is divided into five sections. The preface and the conclusion are in the first and the last sections respectively; the second section focuses on two kinds of nature of education reform, the progress and cycle; the third section analyzes two possibilities of education reform, the success and failure, and the continuity; the fourth section explores two phenomena of education reform, passivity and interaction. Based on the analysis in all these sections, the paper concludes that education reform, instead of developing rapidly and achieving goals in haste, is a fairly slow process towards educational ideal.
頁次 25-35
關鍵詞 教育改革 历史分析 教育史 Education reform Historical analysis History of education CSSCI
卷期 2:2
日期 200604
刊名 教育學報
出版單位 北京師範大學