

篇名 Mael组织认同问卷的修订及其与教师情感承诺的关系
並列篇名 The Revision of Mael’s Organizational Identification Questionnaire and its Relationship with Affective Commitment of Teachers
作者 李永鑫 、张娜 、申继亮
中文摘要 以338名中小学教师和256名高校教师为研究对象,以组织认同问卷和情感承诺问卷为工具修订了麦尔组织认同问卷,并对教师组织认同和情感承诺的关系进行了考察。主要获得以下结果:1.麦尔组织认同问卷具有较好的信度与效度;2.教师的组织认同与其情感承诺是两个相关但不同的心理结构。
英文摘要 The study surveyed 338 primary and secondary teachers and 256 college teachers, revised Mael’s organizational identification questionnaire with organizational identification questionnaire and affective commitment questionnaire, and discuss the relationship between teachers’ organizational identification and affective commitment. It indicates that the reliability and validity of Mael’s organizational identification questionnaire are acceptable; and teachers’ organizational identification and affective commitment are different but related psychological structure.
頁次 29-33
關鍵詞 教师 组织认同 情感承诺 麦尔组织认同问卷 Teachers Organizational identification Affective commitment Mael’s organizational identification questionnaire CSSCI
卷期 3:6
日期 200712
刊名 教育學報
出版單位 北京師範大學