

篇名 本科院校小学教育专业学生从教意愿的调查研究
並列篇名 An Investigation about the Willingness of Being a Teacher in Teachers College
作者 蒋亦华
中文摘要 从教意愿是制约高校小学教育专业建设的基本要素,是实现主体由普通人向专业者过渡的动力诉求,是当代教师教育研究的应然视角,关注从教意愿则是”学生为本”管理理念的具体呈现。影响小学教育专业学生从教意愿的因子是多层面的,是不同因子交互作用的结果。提升从教意愿,必须依据职责或责任差异,从政府与高校两个不同维度予以思考和实践。
英文摘要 The willingness for being a teacher in teachers college is a basic element for the construction of some programs and a viewpoint for the research of teacher education because of its importance to promote a man to be a professional teacher. Therefore an investigation is carried out to get information of the apprentices. From the investigation we can find there are many influential elements for willingness. Therefore, the government and the college should take some measures to improve it.
頁次 62-67
關鍵詞 本科院校 investigation the willingness for being a teacher the program of elementary education teachers college 调查研究 从教意愿 小学教育专业 CSSCI
卷期 20:6
日期 200811
刊名 教師教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學、華東師範大學、高等學校師資培訓交流北京中心