

篇名 教育的原点:育人
並列篇名 Origin of Education: Educating People
作者 鲁洁
中文摘要 教育回归生活世界的要义就在使教育回归到育人的原点上来。当代异化的教育背离了它的原点,失身为经济、政治的奴仆。教育的异化除存在社会体制方面的原因外,还由于在思想上被基于社会本位的教育理念所统治。实现教育的回归就要使教育真正站到人的立场上来,以人之生成、完善为基本出发点,将人的发展作为衡量的根本尺度,用人自我生成的逻辑去理解和运作教育。
英文摘要 The essentials of education returning to the life world are to return education to the origin of educating people. The modern alienated education deflects from its origin, and reduces itself to the slave of economy and politics. Apart from the social system, the reason of the alienation of education lies in its being ruled by educational conception based on social standards. To realize the return of education is to let education stand in the position of human beings, to make human generation and perfection its start point, to make human development its basic measurement, and to understand and operate education using human’s own logic of generation.
頁次 15-22
關鍵詞 standpoint of man educational conception based on social standards educational conception based on life philosophies educating as basis origin of education 人的立场 生活哲学的教育观 社会本位论的教育观 育人为本 教育的原点 CSSCI
卷期 26:4
日期 200812
刊名 華東師範大學學報(教育科學版)
出版單位 華東師範大學