

篇名 心理弹性及其作用机制的研究述评
並列篇名 Review of the Studies on Psychological Resilience and its Mechanism
作者 洪灵敏 、桑标 、马伟娜
中文摘要 心理弹性目前已成为心理学的一个重要研究领域,并日益为心理学界所关注。已有研究分别从不同角度给予心理弹性不同的定义,虽没有形成统一的概念,但在进行研究时,都认可两个基本的操作性定义因素:个体遭遇逆境和个体成功应对。有关心理弹性的研究目前大多停留在第一阶段,即对心理弹性变量的探讨;对心理弹性内在机制的探讨是心理弹性研究的第二阶段,这将成为今后研究的重点。本研究在综合国外大量文献的基础上重点探讨了心理弹性作用机制的理论模型,并提出注重生态学原则、进行细化研究、拓展纵向研究、加强认知研究和实施干预研究,将可能成为心理弹性作用机制的研究趋势。
英文摘要 Resilience has been the significant research area in the psychology with more and more attention. The former research defined the resilience variously from different perspectives. Many definitions of resilience require specification of an identified risk or challenge to which an individual is subjected, followed by some defined measure of positive outcome. However, all the researches recognize the two basic factors: the adversity that the individual encounters and the successful coping or adaptation. The research which is discussing the variations of the resilience is in the first stage at present. The discussion of the mechanism which will be the emphases of the future research is in the second stage. The author of this research reviews the literature and identifies some models related to resilience briefly. After discussing the mechanism and the model, the emphasis of ecology research, subvision research, longitudinal research, and enforcement of cognition research, implementation of intervention research will be the trend of the future researches.
頁次 89-96
關鍵詞 protective factor model mechanism resilience 保护性因素 模型 作用机制 心理弹性 CSSCI
卷期 26:1
日期 200803
刊名 華東師範大學學報(教育科學版)
出版單位 華東師範大學