

篇名 關於深化大學文化素質教育的幾點建議
並列篇名 Suggestion to Enhancing Culture and Quality Education in Higher Education Institutions──Speech at the MOE Steering Committee Meeting of Culture and Quality Education in Higher Education Institutions
作者 張豈之
中文摘要 大学文化素质教育已发展十多年,在正确估计其成绩的基础上,要加强研究和经验交流。文化素质教育,作为专门称谓,要坚持使用,其与通是教育等名词在内涵上有所不同。当前需要深入研讨的,主要是文化素质教育课程体系的建立,使其在实践中趋于完善。
英文摘要 Objective evaluation of the performance of university culture and quality education serves as a key foundation to enhance culture and quality education. It is important to use the term “culture and quality education” because its meaning is different from that of general education or liberal education. At present, a crucial issue for deeper research is to establish and improve through practice the curriculum system of culture and quality education.
頁次 1-3
關鍵詞 curriculum system University Culture and Quality Education 課程體系 大學文化素質教育 CSSCI
卷期 29:2
日期 200804
刊名 清華大學教育研究
出版單位 中國清華大學