

篇名 高等教育經費分擔的現狀、問題及應對
並列篇名 Higher Education Cost-Sharing: Current Situation, Problems and Solutions
作者 儲朝暉 、黃長喜 、范如永
中文摘要 高等教育对经费需求的迅猛增长使得政府与个人分担高等教育经费的比例发生较大变化,使得在现有经济发展水平上家庭承担了过高的教育经费支出,高等教育发展中的一些偏差加剧了高等教育经费供求矛盾。确立符合中国实际的高等教育发展关,建立现代大学制度,增加政府的教育经费投入,加强高等教育经费管理是解决当前问题的现实途径。
英文摘要 The rising cost of higher education has much altered the public-private ratio of cost-sharing. The result is that the proportion of family contribution to higher education cost is too high under current level of economic development, and certain abnormalities in higher education development has further intensified the supply-demand conflict. Recommended solutions involve formulating a higher education development strategy in accordance with China’s needs and conditions, establishing modern university system, increase public investment in education, and improve funding management in higher education.
頁次 85-93
關鍵詞 cost-sharing Higher education 經費分擔 高等教育 CSSCI
卷期 29:1
日期 200802
刊名 清華大學教育研究
出版單位 中國清華大學