

篇名 全球化背景下比较教育的多重身份及其构建
並列篇名 Multiple Identities and Construction of Comparative Education in Globalization Context
作者 温静
中文摘要 本文分析了比较教育身份危机的表现形式和生成原因,提出应从二元对立、非此即彼的思维方式中解脱出来,站在更加开放的平台上来理解比较教育;同时,结合全球化的时代背景,指出在全球化浪潮带来的种种机遇和挑战下,比较教育应着力构建多元一体的新型身份,应立足于国际合作和整体发展,促进多元文化背景下各种教育相互尊重与国际理解。本文认为比较教育身份应具有融合的视野、开放的胸襟、创造的智能等学术品格。
英文摘要 Starting with discussing the identity of comparative education, this thesis analyzes manifestations and causes for identity crisis of this discipline. It proposes that we should get rid of 'either this or that, thinking mode to understand comparative education on a more open platform. Furthermore, the Paper points out that in the context of globalization, we should focus on developing multi-identities of comparative education, pay more attention to international cooperation and overall development, improve mutual respect and international understanding of all kinds of education in multi-cultural context. The essay suggests that the new identity should have some academic characteristics, such as fusion horizon, open mind and creative wisdom.
頁次 22-24
關鍵詞 globalization context multi-identity comparative education 全球化背景 多重身份 比较教育 CSSCI
卷期 30:6
日期 200806
刊名 比較教育研究
出版單位 北京師範大學/研究所