

篇名 《山彦学校》的故事—生活缀方运动的教育社会学意
並列篇名 The Story of Yamabiko School:The Meaning of Educational Sociology for the Biographic Writing Movement
作者 贺晓星
中文摘要 一个名叫汪向荣的日本史学者的去世没有引起人们的多少关注,但是在他的学术遗产里却有一本名为《山彦学校》的译着,乃是日本教育中上一个里程碑式的名著。该书1950年代早期被汪翻译进中国后并没有引起它在日本所表现出的那样大的反应,而是几乎不为人知,掉落在中国教育界的视野之外。本文对《山彦学校》一书的诞生、特点及其教育史地位作了详细的介绍,并试图联系中国当下教育之实际,重新发现此书的教育意义和价值,提倡一种唤醒学生力量的教育。
英文摘要 Wang xiangrong, a historian of Japanese history died in 2006. His death didn’t arouse much attention, despite the fact that he is the translator of Yamabiko School, a monumental work in the history of Japanese education. The Chinese version of the book was published in early 1950s. Unfortunately, in contrast to the popularity it enjoyed in Japan, the book was ignored by the scholars of education in China. This paper is thus an attempt to bring this book back to the sight of Chinese colleague, by describing the background, features and the role of this book in the history of education. This paper aims to make thorough reappraisal of its meaning and value in the context of Chinese education, and lay special emphasis on a kind of education that empower students.
頁次 117-137
關鍵詞 《山彦学校》 生活缀方运动 叙事资本 学生的力量 CSSCI
卷期 5:3
日期 200707
刊名 北京大學教育評論
出版單位 北京大學